We are a loving family of God united around His Word and sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper) joined with our fellow Christians in the world wide Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. We believe the Bible to be God's inspired Word without error and the only basis of our faith and practice. We worship the only true God, the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is our loving creator Who made us in His image, holy and without sin. Through Adam all mankind fell and we are all sinners by birth. In love, in His great grace, God sent His Son Jesus to bear our sins, suffer death on a cross, and rise again. The only way to salvation is by believing that Jesus is our Savior whose blood cleanses us from ALL sin. All who believe in Jesus are children of God and will share eternal life with Him and all believers in Christ. This is our hope and joy. It inspires us to live joyful lives of loving service to one another. |